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2024 Recognition of Students

I wish to sincerely congratulate all students for their hard work and progress during the 2024 school year. The following students are to be especially commended for their distinction and awards in the following areas:


Cumberland Colour Awards (Cultural Colour):

Alia N, Manishi R, Amelia O, Lisara B, Myron D, Zahara K, Ming Sze L, Sarah D, Gunreet K, Yasodha S, Karren S, Eshveen S

Cumberland Colour Award (House Colour):

Oliver J, Jasmine G, Raissa L, Manishi R, Kareem H, Lily M, Adriel M, Emily T, Lyla B, Halina D, Sarah D, Samuel K, Aaron K, Madeline L, Lachlan M, Melissa E, Gunreet K, Yasodha S, Samarth S, Jake E, Suhas J, Dana J, Elly T

Cumberland Colour Award (Service Colour):

Charlotte M, Lucy D, Charli H, Nathan R, Saige R, Lyla B, Sarah D, Samuel K, Connor K, Madeline L, Bailey R, Jasvir S, Eve T, Elisabeth A, Olivia C, Melissa E, Kemindi I, Yasodha S, Eshveen S, Samarth S, Suhas J, Dana J

Cumberland Colour Awards (Sport Colour):

Oliver J, Jack D, Max C, Jasmine G, Lisara B, Nathan R, John D, Lily M, Florence M, Adriel M, Lyla B, Halina D, Aaron K, Lachlan M, Angelina B, Savidhu G, Kemindi I, Scarlett P, Eshveen S, Samarth S, Jake E, Suhas J, Dana J, Elly T

Cumberland Academic Colours (Years 3-6):

George K, Dylain P, Kavin A, Arhaan K, Neven M, Samarveer M, Adeesha G, Savin G, Sze L, Samuel K, Ahston T, Yasodha SN

Cumberland Encouragement Awards (Years 3-6):

Ayana J, Oliver J, Jasmine I, Shristi R, Scarlett I, Shanaya G, Phoenix W, Emilia M, Charlotte EC, Isabelle K, Stuti J, Moksha N


Dunhelen Colour Awards (Cultural Colour):

Reuben T, Aaliyah C, Himaya C, Kira J, Mia S, Namya M, Mia P, Charlie C, Ronan K, Chrissa P

Dunhelen Colour Awards (House Colour):

Chenelle M, Jotham G, Kalistah B, Ethan M, Viraj P, James A, Roman P, Divjot S, Layla H

Dunhelen Colour Awards (Service Colour):

Akshaj M, Louis T, Mineru V, Sandil S, Kassi V, Revaan A, Kinjun Y, Aurelia N, Jiyan B, Lachlan R

Dunhelen Colour Awards (Sport Colour):

Mia P, Holly S, Emily G, Zara G, Lucas T, Dean D, Keisha D, Caleb D, Lincoln R, Shiloh D

Dunhelen Subject Awards:

Kira J (Drama), Anorah J (English), Indiana L (Food Studies), Mia P (Food Studies), Tasmanna S (Humanities), Divya R (Indonesian), Kevleen F (Indonesian), Thisumi A (Mathematics), Laksh C (Music), Louis T (Music), Chenelle M (Physical Education), Reuben T (Religion and Values Education), Oliver D (Science), Ilana C (Technology), Divya R (Visual Arts), Tamanna S (Visual Arts)

Dunhelen Academic Colours (Year 7):

Mia P, Oliver DC, Divya R, Anorah J, Tamanna S

Dunhelen Encouragement Awards (year 7):

Sariah E, Sayuni M, Sienna P, Tanvi KG, Ronell M, Jasraj R

Dunhelen Academic Colours (Year 8):

Lucas T, Keana O, Nicholas P, Revaan A, Eva J

Dunhelen Encouragement Awards (Year 8):

Finn W, Mikaela A, Max E, Loukas K, Blake R, Lauri K

Dunhelen Academic Colours (Year 9):

Angelo H, Makayla A, Joel F, Mia P, Lachlan R

Dunhelen Encouragement Awards (Year 9):

Sibella C, Chloe G, Aekam A, Emre S, Kinjun Y, Kundanika G


Brookhill Colour Awards (Cultural Colour):

Amelia B, Hirundi I, Olivia H, Tamsyn H, Victoria P, Hannah M

Brookhill Colour Awards (Service Colour):

Celina R, Charlie D, Darcy C, Victoria P, Zoe A

Brookhill Colour Awards (Sports Colour):

Olivia H, Tamsyn H

Brookhill Subject Awards:

Hunter H (Agriculture and Horticulture), Stephanie P (Agriculture and Horticulture), Christina M (Business and Economics), Zachary P (Computer Aided Design), Sienna R (English, Food Studies, Religion and Values Education), Sienna D (Environmental Studies, Humanities, Indonesian, Science, Mathematics M, Physical Education), Harry D (Legal Studies and Politics), Toby S (Mathematics G), Sienna H (Mathematics M), Panagiota A (Mathematics P), Daniel C (Media), Amelia B (Music), Celina R (Photography), Alexia N (Product Design), Olivia H (Theatrecraft), Alexia N (Visual Arts)

Brookhill Special Awards:

Tamsyn H - Australian Defence Force 2024 Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award

Alex G - Australian Defence Force Future Innovators Award

Olivia H - University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program Class of 2026

Tamsyn H - University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program Class of 2026

Brookhill Academic Colours (Year 10):

Sienna D, Sienna H, Georgia D, Tamsyn H, Alex G

Brookhill Encouragement Awards (Year 10):

Chelsea B, Cassidy R, Ciara G, Sahar H, Hunter H, Aaron D

Brookhill Academic Colours (Year 11):

Christine M, Manaan B, Hermiz S, Khalia C, Yazan K, Alexander H

Brookhill Encouragement Awards (Year 11):

Lisa T, Nadia L, Jenna H, Massimo C, Chanleen K, Jethro Y



College Colours (Cultural):

Kai M, Karthika R, Amaya C, Sieglind M, Spencer C, Lauren P, Peter D

College Colours (Service):

Amaya C, Lily E, Peter D, Lauren P

College Colours (Sport):

Jessica Y, Stella T, Sophie L, Lauren P

College Colours (Academic):

Peter D, Luke P, Georgia D, Sienna D 


Foundation Scholarship 2025:

Peter D



Parents & Friends Art Scholarship 2025: Emilee S, Misha W, Sieglind M, Spencer C

Rachael Woodhams Music Scholarship 2025: Zara B